‘The Case for Basic Income:’ New book shares stories from Hamilton basic income participants


Published June 4, 2021 at 1:11 pm

What if there was a way to decrease poverty and crime rates, ease the burden on our health care system, and improve the economy — all while saving taxpayer money.

According to a new book, it can all be accomplished with a basic income program.

Dr. Elaine Power and Jamie Swift are authors of the book, “The Case for Basic Income: Freedom, Security, Justice,” which shares stories from individuals in Hamilton, Lindsay, and Thunder Bay. The three Ontario cities were chosen by the province to take part in a basic income pilot project from 2017 to 2019. 4,000 people were given $1,416.67 per month and for every dollar of income earned, their basic income amount would decrease by 50 cents.

Powers, a social scientist and Head of the Department of Gender Studies at Queen’s University. joined intheHammer.com’s Anthony Urciuoli to discuss their stories and make the case for basic income.