Milton’s Hugh Lane undergoing artistic facelift thanks to Exclusively Inclusive


Published July 31, 2023 at 12:51 pm

The public arts project on Hugh Lane in Milton has already brightened things up.

The Exclusively Inclusive Art Projects, presented by Arts Milton, aims to help reduce hate and racism.

This year’s project is taking place at Hugh Lane with artists David Anthony, Hope Flynn, Reilly Knowles, Aparna Rangnekar and Yeh Linh Thai.

Starting this month, the ambitious project aims to transform the space into a visual narrative that celebrates diversity, inclusivity, and the power of art.

“These artists will be working tirelessly to create a vibrant and engaging mural that will grace the sidewalk of Hugh Lane,” said a spokesperson from Arts Milton.

“Through the Exclusively Inclusive Art Projects, we strive to foster an environment where art becomes a catalyst for dialogue, connection, and understanding. By bringing together artists from diverse backgrounds, we aim to create a mural that reflects the richness and beauty of our community’s tapestry.”