JAMFest street music festival returns to Pickering Village
Published June 9, 2022 at 10:13 am

Pickering Village JAMFest is back.
The popular street music and arts festival has been going on for more than a decade, but next weekend’s event will be the first proper festival since 2019 after going virtual in 2020 and offering a drive-thru event last year.
Originally known as the Pickering Village Jazz Festival, it evolved into the Pickering Village JAM Festival in 2011, or simply, JAMFest.
JAMFest celebrates the 215 year-old community of Pickering Village and the joy of music and arts, with vendor booths and local artist displays. There’s also plenty of local restaurants as well as street food vendors offering everything from jerk chicken to poutine.
Visitors can then burn off the calories by dancing in the street to the sounds of 50’s rock and roll, blues, jazz and folk with acts such as Boneyard, Sultans of Singh, Old Man Flanagan’s Ghost, Toronto All-Star Big Band, Wicked Truth, Backstage Pass and more.
JAMFest runs from June 17-19 (Father’ Day weekend). For more information on this free admission event, go to https://www.pickeringvillagejamfest.ca/