‘Indigenesis’ Chef bringing Canada’s original cuisine to Port Perry’s Culture Days
Published September 20, 2022 at 9:05 am

In the beginning, there were unique edible plants and food resources long since forgotten or swept into hiding by wave after wave of colonial cuisine from European lands.
But Tamara Green, the INDIGENESIS Chef, knows how to bring that ancient cuisine – every bit as relevant and most importantly, tasty, as the legendary recipes from France, Italy and other nations – into our kitchens.
Green, an Indigenous personal chef that has been getting back to the ‘genesis’ of indigenous cuisine with pre-colonial contact ingredients since 2018, will be back at Culture Days in Port Perry with her Indigenous cuisine pop-up on Saturday, September 24 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Culture is molded by the land, Green believes, citing Italy’s canals and France’s wine country. “Canada is rooted in pure, unique edible plants; resources we have forgotten.”
Discover the Indigenous Food Pop-Up at the Queen Street Hub in Downtown Port Perry.
On Saturday, September 24 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. a portion of Queen Street in downtown Port Perry will be reserved for pedestrians to enjoy Culture Days and the Port Perry Street Party, an event that is a part of the Ontario Culture Days Regional Hub Program.
See the full program lineup, here: https://scugogarts.ca/culture-days/