City of Burlington selects 12 local artists to create uplifting public art projects


Published July 5, 2021 at 4:28 pm

The City of Burlington has selected 12 local artists to create various public art projects throughout the community.

This comes as a result of the city’s callout for local artists, who were encouraged to submit artwork focused on inspiring and uplifting the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A total of 12 artists have been selected and the annual Local Artist Program has commissioned these artists who have each created several small to medium-scale artworks.

The designs have been installed on traffic control signal boxes throughout the city and residents will be able to experience the artwork forms in an urban art gallery while still practicing social distancing.

“Art plays a powerful role in bringing people together to share common experiences and explore new ideas. Now, more than ever, artists share hope and inspiration in a time of crisis,” said Angela Paparizo, Manager of Arts and Culture.

“We are pleased to bring this popular program back again this year and we encourage residents to look for these installations in their communities while following COVID protocols or enjoy them online.”

Below is a detailed list of where the artworks will be located along with the artists who created them.

Appleby Line & Longmoor/Pinedale Teresa Seaton
Brant Street & Baldwin/Victoria Ryan Snook
Brant Street & Ghent Avenue Clover Akuoko-Dabankah
Drury Lane at YMCA – IPS Heather Kuzyk
Guelph Line & Prospect Street Nicole Clouston & Quintin Teszeri
Maple Avenue & Mapleview Centre Holly Allerellie
Lakeshore Road & Pearl Street Jason Diesbourg
Lakeshore Road at Lakeshore Public School Hannah Doherty
Pinedale Avenue & Bridle Wood Janet Horne Cozens
Upper Middle Road & Duncaster Drive/Cavendish Drive Tamara Kwapich
Upper Middle Road at M.M.Robinson High School Cody Boucher


The artworks each focus on specific uplifting themes such as diversity, strength, courage, engagement with nature and more, which are all meant to inspire the community during these trying times.

For more information, click here.