Brampton seeking proposals from local artists to work on memorial for fallen firefighters
Published October 5, 2021 at 1:19 pm

Brampton Fire and Emergency Services (BFES) is inviting local artists to submit an expression of interest to work on a new Memorial for BFES.
The memorial is to honour firefighters who have died in the line of duty, and it will be located at the new Williams Parkway Fire Campus—home to Brampton’s Fire and Emergency Services Headquarters—located at 425 Chrysler Drive.
Artists interested in collaborating on the memorial must have experience working and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to create innovative and enduring outdoor artwork.
The call for proposals is the first of a two-stage process that will include a review of submitted expressions of interest, followed by a shortlist of artists who will be invited to submit design proposals.
The budget for the project will be $300,000 and the submission period for Stage One will be open from September 2 to October 14.