5 Strange Landmarks You Can See Outside of Mississauga

Published August 23, 2019 at 9:00 pm

Are you a fan of odd and unique things? You might not think there’s a lot to see near Mississauga, but there are many oddities just outside the city. These bizarre landmarks show off the different side of Ontario, so you may want to take a short trip to see them for yourself! Here are 5 strange landmarks you can visit outside of Mississauga.

5)Moonbeam UFO Monument – Moonbeam, Ontario

Moonbeam, Ontario has fully embraced its supernatural side. Aliens and Moonbeam have been put together for years, including stories about how the city got its name to UFO sightings and crop circles. A massive UFO first greets visitors to the area at the tourist centre. The spaceship can be seen from Highway 11, and if you take a closer look, you can find its alien pilot resting at a nearby bench. 

4) Maman – Ottawa, Ontario

While this one might be a bit of a trip for some, it’s a must-see if you’re travelling in the area. Louise Bourgeois’ statue Maman (Mother), is a 30-foot-tall spider crafted of bronze, marble, and stainless steel. The icon has made its home in numerous areas of the city over the years, and visitors can see it at The National Gallery of Canada. According to Bourgeois, the statue represents a female spider who carries her white marble eggs beneath her. The artwork is very creepy to look at, making it a unique attraction to see.

3) The Big Apple – Colborne Ontario

Some of you may have already heard about this giant fruit, and the yummy treats it offers. The Big Apple is one of the most popular roadside stops in the province, featuring activities such as a petting zoo, mini-golf, and an extensive array of apple-based treats. You can make an entire day trip to visiting the ‘fruit’! What better way to pass the day then looking on the beautiful country highway on a deck while eating an apple beaver tail.

2) Koilos Sculpture – Bala, Ontario

If your a fan of bizarre monsters like earlier mentioned Maman, you need to add the Koilos Sculpture to your bucket list. Looking like a creature right out of Netflix’s Stranger Things, this alien-looking being was made by Michael Christian for the Burning Man festival. The piece is made of 2,000 pounds of steel, and towers at 14-foot-tall. It definitely could give you a spook if you see it at night. The statue first came to Toronto’s Distillery District, and eventually made its way to Lake Muskoka’s Baxter Island where it was nicknamed “The Beast of Baxter Island.” Finally, Koilos made its home in Bala, where it’s now known as the “Bog Monster of Bala.”

1) Big Nickel -Sudbury, Ontario

What would a list of strange landmarks be without Ontario’s most popular one? Sudbury’s Big Nickel can be found at the Dynamic Earth Museum. As one of the world’s largest coins, the massive nickel is made of stainless steel that stands at a chart-topping nine meters (30 feet) and weighs 13,000 kilograms (14.33 tons). The coin stands on a hill and is meant to represent the efforts of Sudbury nickel miners. It was created by former Sudbury firefighter Ted Szilva and sculptor Bruno Cavallo and is based on the 1951 design of a Canadian nickel. At the site, you can learn some history of the statue and what it represents.

Photos courtesy of Atlas Obscura